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Ethical consumerism is a growing trend in today’s marketplace. It reflects a shift in consumer attitudes towards brands and their social, environmental, and political stances. The core of this movement lies in consumers’ desire to support businesses that align with their personal beliefs and values. This alignment has led to the emergence of two distinct categories of brands: “conservative” and “woke.”

Understanding ethical consumerism

Ethical consumerism is based on the idea that consumers should use their purchasing power to effect positive change in the world. This extends beyond product quality and price; consumers increasingly pay attention to companies’ ethical practices, including their environmental impact, labour policies, and social stances. As a result, brands are responding by aligning themselves with specific values and ideologies, essentially taking a stand on various social and political issues.

The rise of  ‘woke’ brands

“Woke” brands are distinguished by their active support of progressive social causes such as environmental sustainability, social justice, and inclusivity. These brands are often at the forefront of contentious issues, aligning themselves with movements like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights, and climate change activism.

A prime example of such a brand is The Body Shop, a name synonymous with ethical consumerism in the UK. This brand has long been a trailblazer in advocating for environmental issues and ethical sourcing, firmly embedding these progressive values into its core business practices.

Similarly, Ben & Jerry’s has become a global symbol of a “woke” brand. Renowned for its commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability, Ben & Jerry’s frequently engages in public discourse on controversial topics, effectively weaving these themes into its marketing strategies and product offerings.

Both The Body Shop and Ben & Jerry’s exemplify how brands can successfully embody progressive ideals, influencing consumer behaviour and setting new standards in corporate responsibility.

The emergence of  ‘conservative’ brands

In contrast, ‘conservative’ brands strongly emphasise traditional values, often highlighting themes like patriotism, family, and sometimes religious beliefs. These brands typically avoid overt political stances, subtly reflecting their values through marketing strategies, product lines, or public statements.

A widely recognised example in the United States and well-known in the UK is Walmart. Walmart has often been associated with conservative values, particularly in its corporate practices and customer base. The company has historically aligned itself with traditional American values, often reflected in its product selections, marketing campaigns, and overall corporate ethos.

In contrast, in the UK market, Tetley Tea is an illustrative example of a conservative brand. It aligns with traditional British values, showcasing a sense of national identity and tradition in its branding and product presentation. Tetley Tea’s marketing subtly communicates a commitment to these traditional values, appealing to consumers who resonate with this ideological perspective.

Both Walmart and Tetley Tea demonstrate how conservative brands can successfully engage with their audience by aligning with traditional values, offering a clear alternative to the progressive narratives often presented by ‘woke’ brands.

Impact on consumer choices

This polarisation of brands into “conservative” and “woke” categories has a profound impact on consumer choices. Consumers increasingly seek out brands that reflect their personal values and beliefs. This can be seen in buying patterns, with some consumers boycotting brands that do not align with their ideologies while others go out of their way to support those that do.

Marketing strategies and brand image

Brands are now more conscious of their image and the values they project. Marketing strategies have evolved to not only showcase the product but also to communicate the brand’s stance on various issues. This has led to a more narrative-driven approach in advertising, where brands tell a story that resonates with their target demographic’s values and beliefs.

Challenges and criticisms

This trend, however, has its challenges. Brands that take a stand can risk alienating a portion of their consumer base. Furthermore, there’s a fine line between genuine advocacy and exploiting social causes for profit, a practice known as “woke-washing.” Critics argue that some companies use progressive imagery and messaging more for marketing purposes than out of genuine commitment to the causes they promote.

The future of ethical consumerism

As society continues to evolve, so too will the nature of ethical consumerism. The increasing emphasis on corporate responsibility and transparency means that brands will likely continue to align themselves with specific values and ideologies. However, the challenge for brands will be to do so in an authentic and resonant way with consumers.


In conclusion, the rise of ethical consumerism and the emergence of “conservative” and “woke” brands reflect a significant shift in the marketplace. Consumers are now more empowered and conscious of the impact their purchases have, not just economically but socially and environmentally as well. As this trend continues, it will be interesting to observe how brands navigate these waters, balancing profit with purpose and how they continue to align themselves with the evolving beliefs and values of their consumers.

In a world where consumers are increasingly driven by their values, the success of a brand may well depend on its ability to authentically resonate with the beliefs and values of its target audience.

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